What Happened with Erin Brockovick??
From imbd.com . . .
In the end, Erin's special ability to bond with the victims of chromium contamination and their families and Ed's legal and administrative prowess are the key ingredients to making the case against PG&E. As a team, they manage to successfully lay the groundwork for the payment of legal damages by PG&E to those harmed.
From Salon.com . . .
In the movie, the victims in the celebrated lawsuit won big. In reality, many are wondering where the money went -- and they're mad at their lawyers.
From thehuffingtonpost.com . . .
In the clip above, Brockovich discusses how she felt when PG&E settled the case for$333 million in 1996, years after polluting the local water supply in the city of Hinkley, Calif. The pollution caused Hinkley residents to suffer from ailments ranging fromchronic nosebleeds to cancer for more than 30 years.
It is true that in the end, PG&E had to pay $333million. Unfortunately, because they are in charge of a utility, all they need to do is charge their consumers. And while it is true that the families got their money and all that jazz, PG&E is just going to charge THE FAMILIES and get their money back!
In the end, the only people that win is the law firm. The families need to pay hospital bills and pay the now higher priced utilities with the money they won thus leaving them with nothing or back to where they started. The law firm and PG&E are the only winners while the families corrupted by their poison are changed for the rest of their lives and their children and their children’s children because the poison is passed through genes.
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